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姜丽文Last Day宣布离巢TVB 继续多线发展:踏进人生另一章节

姜丽文Last Day宣布离巢TVB 继续多线发展:踏进人生另一章节

姜丽文Last Day宣布离巢TVB 继续多线发展:踏进人生另一章节

姜丽文Last Day宣布离巢TVB 继续多线发展:踏进人生另一章节

TVB再有艺员宣布离巢!姜丽文(Lesley)于IG发文宣布离开TVB,结束7年在TVB工作的旅程。姜丽文宣布离巢TVB姜丽文与哥哥姜文杰组成Benji and Lesley,以兄妹档组合加入乐坛出道,一直以音乐人身份追梦。2017年,姜丽文签约TVB成为旗下艺人,其中她于处境剧《爱·回家之开心速递》饰演Liza,以及台庆剧《星空下的仁医》饰演罗丽娜均获得不少好评,甚有观众缘。姜丽文于《爱·回家之开心速递》饰演Liza姜丽文于《爱·回家之开心速递》饰演Liza姜丽文与哥哥姜文杰组成Benji and Lesley姜丽文于IG写道:「Today marks my final day with TVB after an incredible 7 year journey. Throughout these years, I’ve had many exciting and challenging roles in acting, hosting, and singing. I’ve learned and grown a lot, and I’m forever grateful for the opportunities that came my way.As I step into the next chapter of my life, I’m filled with excitement for what’s to come. I’ll continue to pour my heart into my work as an actress and singer-songwriter. I really, really, really love what I do, and I feel so lucky to be able to chase my dreams! 🌟💖Thank you to all who have supported me over the years. Thank you for being on this ride with me. I can’t wait to share what’s coming next with you all!(今天是我在TVB的最后一天,经历了难以置信的 7年旅程,这些年来,我在演戏、主持、唱歌上感到兴奋及具挑战性。我从中学习了很多,我永远都会感恩所获得的机会。当我踏进人生的另一章节时,我将会继续全心投入演员和创作歌手的工作。我真的真的真的很热爱我所做的事,以及为自己能够追梦而感到幸运!🌟💖感谢这些年来所有给予我支持的人。感谢你们与我一起踏上这段旅程。我急不及待想跟大家一起分享未来即将发生的事情!)」其他人也在看

